Self-Publishing Mistakes to avoid {Infographic}

self publishing mistakes

The art of self publishing is slowly becoming more of a science than art.

It’s marketing. And to me, marketing is as much about the products we make as it is about the stories we tell.

While venturing into the self publishing world especially as a newbie, you are bound to commit some heinous crimes that might cost you heavily.

Here are 12 Self Publishing mistakes to avoid

  1. Not thinking like a publisher but solely as a writer.
  2. Being too particular when proofreading and missing out some bigger glaring mistakes
  3. Scrapping off your drafts before your book is fully ready
  4. Assuming that your readers know what they need.
  5. Editing your own work. Stop hiring yourself.
  6. Being your own cover designer
  7. Starting with the front matter
  8. Use of incoherent format
  9. Juggled up ideas which could be split into different books
  10. Ignoring the power of social proof
  11. Poor book launch strategy
  12. Failing to draft an effective book marketing strategy


which other self-publishing mistakes do first time writers make?

I would love to know your thoughts in the comments section below. How were you able to become a better self-published author?

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