Update Old Content and Make More Sales

Working on your blog requires that you constantly update old content.

This is a strategy that has been proven to give your blog posts life, make you relevant, and help you rank in search.

And so you’re constantly tweaking your best performing blog posts to add more value.

But what about your old pages?

Now, that’s where the problem lies. When was the last time you updated the following pages:?

  • Your Service pages (freelancing, copywriting, blog management transcription, article writing)
  • Your Products pages: courses and eBook landing page.
  • Your About page
  • Your Category and author pages.

If you want to have a sustainable business, you need to SEO optimize service and product page, just as you would your blog posts.

This means,

✅ Interlinking: mention your service pages in your blog post with variation of anchor texts

✅ Creating blog posts that specifically promote your services and products. Companies do this, why shouldn’t you?

For instance, if you have a training page, then you can create blog posts like:

  • Why you need a trainer (coach),
  • An actionable guide to getting the most from a mastermind program
  • What topics a content writing course should touch on etc.

You can also create case studies, list posts (Four courses to make you a better pencil artist) and make sure you feature your own.

With these posts, ensure that you do keyword research just as you would your other posts.

Your blog posts should always be useful regardless of the CTA

✅ Updating with new content, sections, screenshots, stats, testimonials

To keep blogging, you have to find a way to be profitable

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