How to Improve Your Self Confidence in 7 Simple Ways

Whether it is addressing an unfamiliar crowd, making an impromptu speech, selling your products and services to potential customers and clients, appearing in an interview or even going for a date with your fiancée, you will always need to exude a certain level of self-confidence.

Confidence gives you control over some daunting situations.

Stand in front of the mirror.

This sounds obvious yet a powerful tool to reaffirm your greatness. We always feel ridiculously competent and confident whenever we are in the front of those light-refracting objects, but dramatically this level of confidence drops tremendously as we delve into our day-to-day activities.

Mirrors remind us that we are way better than what we normally think of ourselves. The person you see in the mirror is a stable and a creative model who is psyched up with emotional expression. And sure enough, you are stronger; with a great blend of strength, sensitivity and creativity that the world admires.

However, confidence is not something that everyone is born with if anyone is born with it at all! It’s a phenomenon that’s part of you and you have to constantly work on it; pruning and pouring manures whenever you deem reasonable.

Why do you need to build self-confidence?

People who lack self-confidence fail to recognize their self-worth and their acquired capabilities. They walk through life doubting if they are worth being employed, making speeches or even dating. As a result, they easily let go of great chances whenever they come knocking because of the feeling of inadequacy. They resent and resolve into mediocrity because they tend to believe that there must be some mortals who are better suited for the job description, and not them. They will never refine their CV’s and or run through their  cover letters because they  ‘know’  they are not the’ winning types!’ Unfortunately, most of us are in this category of people.

So How Do we Boost our Self Confidence and remain remarkable?

Here are some of the things to boost your confidence. This is not an ultimate guide, but it is what you need it at the moment.

1. Never Take Anything (anyone) Personally.

As a living individual, you will always have to deal with several groups of people. Some will support and revere you in whatever you do, while others will look at you straight into face and tell you that you are a mistake in this world.  That’s okay.

The only trick is to never take anything to heart. Don’t take it personally. Human beings have suffered and still suffer embarrassments, pains, bitterness, frustrations and sometimes you just end up being their dump sites. Instead, rise stronger, defend yourself calmly if need be, and become too tall for the boxes of limitations which the society is trying to cage you in.

2. Good Grooming Still Does the Magic in enhancing your self-confidence

There is always a type of feeling which you have whenever you buy that beautiful dress. You feel unique and special for a moment. Got a new hairstyle? Our lady friends will tell you how much they are at ease when their hairs are in order. Well, I am not saying that you get yourself a new dress or another tuxedo jacket, but learn to put your body in order. It’s your house.

When you dress nicely you feel more presentable and ready to tackle the world the best way you can. Nothing scares you, and you are likely to feel even better through every conversation you make that day. This way you master several Tips to Boosting Your Confidence.

3. Positive Thinking Remains the Number One Rule.

You need a dose of it every day. Sometimes things really get messy and chaotic, and this makes our willpower level to go down drastically. A boss could be down on your neck on a late submission, a disturbing family situation or a worrying grade point in college. It’s possible that you will start allowing negative thoughts into your mind, and make the situations even worse.

Positive thinking demands that you play calm and keep yourself at ease. It’s about convincing yourself that things are not really that bad and probably they will soon get better. Even with an ailing economy, never envision your company collapsing as this acts against your own good and you will start going that road again, of making yourself less worthy. Be actionable and visionary. Vision is seeing tomorrow today. Focus on a better future when things are currently stuck. This adds a certain level of liveliness to every fiber of your being, and thus boosting your self-confidence.

4. Know Your Principles and Keep Them.

Confident individuals never go with the crowds, unless they really have a strong reason to. They are always propelled by the reason,  the ‘why?’ Learn to have a reason why you are doing one thing, and why you are not doing the other.

Operate within your principles and if you ever find yourself deviating, pause and think. In life, we are different models of vehicles fueled by different passions and desires which must agree with what we’ve chosen to live for.

5. Learn to Say ‘No’

Sometimes, it’s not right to say Yes. Even a ‘No,’ is among the choices in that drop-down button. If you feel that going out that night for a club meet-up is against your principles, don’t go. Say no, and come out assertive. Steer clear of everything that serves to bring your confidence down.

6. Work on Yourself

You are always a product in the making. Never stop working on yourself. Your confidence is something that is developed over time, and the more you commit, the earlier you begin boosting it. Pause and listen. Discover what is missing, find it then fix it. Simple.

Sometimes your confidence will be exploded. It could be as a result of that first stage performance you made and no one even bothered to clap, or that song you sang and went off key. Ever performed a poem on stage and all of a sudden you went blank? These and a couple more could really bring you down, but never be afraid of going back to the same stage and right your wrongs. Find the fragments of your confidence and stitch together.

Discover yourself. Dig deeper and always be real to tell the world who you are and what you are up to. The only way to do that is to know yourself. Trust me; you don’t know who you are. Start entering a journal to discover a wonder.

Think about your limitations, and then look keenly to see if truly there is anything that you can’t do. It’s tiresome to work on yourself but depend upon it, it’s of the greatest importance if only to bring that smile back and that poised posture again.

7. Speak slowly.

Pretty simple yet powerful tool when it comes to mass communication. A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. This makes people perceive you differently.

“A person who feels that he isn’t worth listening to will speak quickly because he doesn’t want to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening to.”

However, don’t take it to an extreme. Simply compose yourself, and if in an interview, don’t be afraid to take a few seconds to think before replying. A thought-out response is what will land you that dream job. Furthermore, the panel is able to notice your level of confidence, which is a fundamental tool in any company’s growth. Confident employees are more productive, and likely to contribute ideas during meetings.


In a nutshell, self-confidence is not something rocket science or metaphysics. Becoming a confident person is within our reach. The simple rule is to stick to above basic principles and watch your level of confidence

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