5 Secrets of Super Successful Video Marketing

5 Secrets of Super Successful Video Marketing

Let’s talk video marketing.

Every successful business today lives on it. It’s the way your audience and customers find you and your products, but most importantly, it’s how they get to put a face to the brands they love.

Videos catch the attention easily and entertain while also marketing out your product or service. You can learn much more about video marketing from the Boost Apps.

There are over 40 marketing types, so to speak.

As a result, many content creators and online entrepreneurs focus on other types of digital marketing, leaving video marketing to the last item in their implementation strategy.

Boost Apps understands that video marketing should be the center of marketing for small businesses, and you should too.

The use of video marketing is not worth it if strategies are not put in place to ensure that it’s being done right.

This article is going to go over some great tips and secrets for successful video marketing.

1: Include a Powerful Call-to-action

To achieve better results with your videos, include a Call-to-action CTA. That is, what action do you want your viewers to take.

Don’t overwhelm your viewers with multiple options. Stick with one or up to three CTAs that are closely related (e.g., Like and subscribe). CTAs can be anything from asking someone to like the video, follow or subscribe, share it, or even buy a product.

You would be shocked at how many people may complete a task desirable to your company if you simply ask.

While you can technically put a CTA anywhere in the video, it is most commonly done at the end, during the outro. However, feel free to experiment with both the type and placement of your CTA to see which garners the best results.

Be sure that your content is still the most important part of the video, but a CTA can make or break the success of your sales or growing your community.

2: Don’t Hard Sell When You Can Empower and Initiate Action.

Videos should be personalized and dynamic. They should forge meaningful connections to compel consumer action. Personalized and dynamic videos empower brands. If you want to deliver video experiences, you need to make sure that they educate, inspire, and engage your audience, especially during critical moments of their sales journey.

Your video content should be more about them than it is about you. If your content is overly promotional, you’ll come out as “salesy.”

The rule of marketing is that no one likes being sold to. But we all like being empowered so we can be more productive.

The content, production and story of the video are what the people should see and remember; if the video has no story or plot and is simply an ad for your company, it will not generate the same success that it could have. That it ought to.

People have a lasting perception, so if a couple of your first videos are too promotional, you will drive them away. Besides that, they now start associating your brand with just that: promotional (There’s nothing in there for me)

Develop content with relatable stories, tapping into their emotional sides. The better the audience connects with your video, the better they will understand your company and the product or service you offer.

3: Double down on the first five seconds

Draw People in Immediately. Get their attention and have them stay.

Yes, it’s true. People’s attention span is less than that of a goldfish. If you didn’t click through,  here is the answer: Less than 9 seconds

With all of the content and information available at our fingertips, we often don’t spend too much time on one thing. So if you are unable to draw people in within the first few seconds of your video, they are likely going to click away.

Lead with your best foot forward, have a hook and find a way to immediately show people the video is worth watching.

Even something like having a quality and creative thumbnail on the video can help draw viewers in. While the video might be great, it is the first impression that will determine whether people will watch the video and potentially become customers or not.

If you bury the lead and begin your video in a boring, slow or unimaginative way, people likely aren’t going to stick around when it gets better. 

Consumers know high-quality videos from amateur videos. That’s why professionally-made videography is a must if you want your videos to catch attention. You can hire a professional to shoot and edit your videos for your next marketing campaign. By doing so, you can show your professionalism, creativity, and credibility in the quality of the videos you upload on your website or social media channels.

4: Go Selfless with Pure-Gold Content

Even though the main goal of video marketing is to sell your product or service, you still need to make sure the videos provide value.

What exactly that value is will depend on the type of company you run and the brand you are building. It could be helpful tips, a how-to guide or dozens of other things. If your videos don’t provide value, people won’t likely become customers.

Valuable content, when delivered with passion and slight humor (creativity), works like magic.

As much as you want to highlight your brand, you can do this in the latter part of your video. In this way, you’ll allow your viewers to first capture the real essence or message of the video as a standalone. Aim to give your viewers the complete experience without being too sales-oriented.

5: Promote Your Videos With Social Media and other Channels.

If you want your videos to be seen by a large number of potential customers or clients, then it’s important to promote them on social media channels. You can share your videos with your family and friends. Of course, you can ask your employees to do the same. In this way, you gain a good customer base that comes from your close contacts.

While having videos on your site or YouTube is great, there are no guarantees people will see them unless they specifically go to search for them.

However, if you post them on your social media pages, people will see them in their feeds and will be likely to click. Social media is the best way to quickly and easily reach a ton of people, often without having to spend a lot of time.

Needless to say, you need that traction for your videos to start ranking on YouTube.

Like all social media posts, be sure not to overload the timeline with too much content.

Also, if all of your social media posts are marketing-related or have to do with sales, it’s not a good look. Make sure to still have open conversations and welcome feedback on your social media page. Ensure it is a two-way communication method, and not just you posting links or selling.

Other ways to promote your videos include:

  • Designing and scheduling a few pins to go out at different times. 
  • Sending to your email list
  • Posting to Engaged Facebook groups
  • Facebook ads for initial boost

There you have it! Five secrets of successful video marketing. Start implementing them and pay us a commission of your earnings.

Just kidding.

Remember that visual content is becoming the go-to for most consumers since they are easier to comprehend in a shorter time. Videos make a larger part of the visual content, so you need to think of seriously investing in them.

What other tips do you use to ensure successful video marketing?

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