50 Eye-Opening Prompts to Help You Understand Your Readers

50 prompts to understand your readers
Here are 50 Things Your Readers Wish You Knew- About themselves, their dreams, their pains and their anticipations- to help you create better content for your audience.

To understand your readers, you need to get into their world.

Value their thoughts, their worries, their wins, and their challenges so you can serve them better

Here are 50 thoughts about your readers that will change the way you write content

  1. I don’t care if you’re writing about Rocket Science or Artificial Intelligence, just make me feel something.
  2. I am not always busy; so ensure that your writings are more interesting than the Cartoon program I was just watching, less I’ll never forgive you.
  3. Your introduction is what gets me to the next paragraph or out of the site.
  4. The sexiest appeal to your writings is your voice. I don’t like when you become generic or sound like someone else I might know.
  5. I’d rather you use the same word over and over than substitute the right word for a simile that is way off. No, seriously.
  6. I don’t need you to be perfect; I need you, to be honest.
  7. I am currently struggling with something under your niche; if you can wave a magic wand I’ll be forever indebted to you.
  8. Sometimes I decide whether to stay on your blog or not, based on how you respond to the other readers’ comments.
  9. Word lengths are abysmal to me, I’ve read 10,000 words long blog posts, highlighting and devouring every piece of it and even bookmarked it for future reference. I’ve scanned through 500 words long posts as well. If you are enchanting enough, I’ll read you to the very word.
  10. I am getting smarter every day; you need to up your game.
  11. I’ve been scammed before; can you get me to trust you? I mean, a great giveaway will start us off, don’t you think?
  12. I hate cluttered houses, I’ll visit but I would be gone in a second to ‘take a phone call.’ That would be the last time you’d ever see me.
  13. I would stay a little bit longer if you would lead me to another magnetic read at the end of the post. Think of it as serving me some berries, and just when am about to leave, you say, “…not so fast, Pizza is here!”
  14. I don’t like it when you guarantee something I know it’s universally impossible. Even if it worked for you, just allow me to anticipate the possibility that it might not, for me.
  15. Too many options and I would opt for the X-Button instead. Mind you I got bigger decisions to make already, too much actually.
  16. You’ll never understand what I am going through, but at least act like you do.
  17. It’s a love affair babe; always do what you say you would.
  18. I struggle with consistency, I like it when you don’t.
  19. Whenever I click on an Ad, I never come back. Only send me away when it’s really worth it.
  20. Give me a reason to mention your blog when am with my friends talking about sports, and not earning hot slaps in the process.
  21. Write as if you writing it only to me, it makes me feel special. For a moment I’ll forget that probably two million other readers are reading the same thing.
  22. I believe I deserve more than I am receiving, even when am not paying a damn dime for it.
  23. I admire your language mastery and prowess, seriously, but can we make it more of a conversation than a showoff?
  24. I understand when you don’t have anything to say, but find a way to give me a pat on the shoulder even when am two worlds away.
  25. If it’s important to me, then pretend that it’s at least important to you as well.
  26. Some of the things that turn me on are shocking statistics, a great analogy well told, and small instances of honesty and vulnerability.
  27. If you exaggerate your income reports, can you also present them as true financial reports for your tax obligations?
  28. It’s not just business; it’s love, it’s trust, it’s results.
  29. I do have a past that kinda relates to yours. By sharing your story, you make me feel connected.
  30. I don’t mind sponsored posts, but can you at least let me know that it is?
  31. I do let you get away with lies occasionally, but don’t you ever think I am stupid.
  32. Sometimes you just need to ask.
  33. Your writings sometimes make me feel I am being taken for granted. It’s the worst feeling in the world.
  34. I like bettering myself, I thus feel indebted whenever your new post proves better than the previous.
  35. You don’t have all the answers; can you let me know that from the word go?
  36. You sound much better when you immediately eliminate very trash adjectives from your copy and I ‘quickly’ fall in love with your writings.
  37. Be direct and avoid flowery language, because trust me, dear reader, I believe from the bottom-most part of my heart, that I wouldn’t be troubling you if I ask you with total humility to stick with the obvious simple and of course clear language to just get to the damn point!
  38.  I get bored with passive sentences. This is already boring. That’s the only grammar learned in high school that I still care about 
  39. Stick with the active voice whenever you can, because passive voice bore people, and that was not quite boring!
  40. I don’t like plain rice. Add some artistry to your writings to make them relatable.
  41. You lose me when you start rambling; I mean why mention Middle East as a problem when talking about Blogging Challenges?
  42. You sometimes send me to the dictionary, and I don’t like it, unless the post is on “100 New Words You Should Know.”
  43. I don’t know what school taught you, I’m just looking for a solution that’s well presented.
  44. Common knowledge is common, I already know that, so don’t include the obvious to your lists, unless you can’t help it.
  45. I just read another post similar to yours before I came here. What’s in for me here, that wasn’t in for me there?
  46. I am really desperate for a solution more than am willing to admit.
  47. Long blocks of texts are like lullabies to me.
  48. I am a visual human babe, always remember that.
  49. I like scanning through, makes it easier for me to do so.
  50. First work towards earning my loyalty, and I will willingly buy your premium products.
  51. I am thankful more than am willing to admit, simply write on.
  52. I know it’s crazy, but I sometimes feel all these things at once.

I hope this list has helped you to know your readers so that you can create content that resonates with them. By reflecting on these thoughts, you should be able to develop reader profiles that better reflect your ideal reader’s needs

If you loved this list, kindly share it with others.

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