71 Book Blog Post Ideas for Inspiring Content

Book blog post ideas book blogging
Discover 71 plus creative book blog post ideas to inspire your next piece. Dive into this comprehensive guide, perfect for book bloggers looking to refresh their content. Whether you’re reviewing, recommending, or exploring literary worlds, we’ve got you covered

You love books. You adore the feel of pages turning under your fingers, the scent of fresh ink, and the immersive worlds waiting within those bound covers. And most importantly, you love sharing this passion with your readers through your book blog.

Yet, every book blogger knows the struggle – there comes a time when you sit in front of your screen, fingers poised over the keyboard, and wonder, “What should I write about next?”

Well, fret not. Whether you’re a seasoned book blogger seeking fresh inspiration, or a newbie still finding your footing in the vast literary blogosphere, we’ve got you covered. This comprehensive list of book blog post ideas will spark your creativity and ensure you never run out of engaging content.

From diving into book reviews to exploring literary traditions, and from sharing your reading habits to offering book blogging tips – these ideas will not only help you create compelling content but also deepen your connection with your readers.

So, let’s turn the page and jump into these exciting book blog post ideas. Your readers are eager for your next post, and with these suggestions, you’ll be brimming with inspiration!

100 Book blog post ideas to write about

creative book blog post ideas

1) Must-read books for [genre] lovers

There’s nothing quite like the joy of finding a new book in your favorite genre, is there? Use this to your advantage! Dive into the wealth of books you’ve read and compile a list of the must-read books for lovers of a specific genre.

Start with a short introduction of the genre, provide a bit of historical context, or share why it resonates with you. Then, for each book, give a short synopsis, share why you loved it, and how it stands out in its genre.

Remember, what makes a book ‘must-read’ is subjective. It’s your unique perspective that your audience craves, so don’t be afraid to get personal.

2) Books you didn’t finish and why

Let’s be honest, we all have those books we just couldn’t finish, and that’s perfectly okay! Write a post detailing the books you’ve put down and why.

Of course, it’s important to remember that authors put a lot of effort into their work. So, aim to constructively critique the books.

What didn’t work for you? Was it the pacing, the characters, or the plot? Sharing this can open up a conversation with your readers, and who knows, you may even give a book a second chance based on their suggestions!

3) Behind the book cover

As the saying goes, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’ However, the cover is often the first thing we notice about a book. Why not delve into the design process of book covers?

You can reach out to graphic designers and interview them about their design process. What’s the story behind a specific design? How do they choose colors, images, and typography?

You could also analyze your favorite book covers, breaking down their elements and discussing why they work. This kind of post can make your readers appreciate the artistry that goes into a book even before they turn the first page.

4) Author interviews

Your readers are not just interested in the books, but also in the minds behind them. Reach out to authors (both well-known and up-and-coming) for interviews.

You could focus these interviews around a particular theme, like their writing process, how they handle criticism, or how they develop their characters. Or you could have a more general conversation, letting them share about their journey and inspirations.

The personal touch and unique insights from these interviews can really engage your readers.

5) Literary festivals and book fairs

Literary festivals and book fairs are treasure troves of inspiration. If you’re planning on attending any, why not share your experience?

Before the event, you can write a post about what you’re looking forward to, the authors you want to meet, or the books you’re excited to pick up.

Afterwards, you can share your top moments, your takeaways, and any book hauls. Include photos to make your readers feel like they were there with you.

6) Guest posts from other book bloggers

Collaboration is a great way to breathe new life into your blog. Invite other book bloggers to write guest posts on your blog. They could share their own book recommendations, write reviews, or share about their blogging journey.

It’s a win-win situation: they gain exposure to your audience, and you get a fresh perspective on your blog. Plus, your readers get to enjoy a diversity of voices and views.

7) The art of bookbinding

Bookbinding is a fascinating and often overlooked aspect of books. Why not explore this topic?

You could research and share about the history of bookbinding, and different types of bindings, or even try your hand at it and document your process. This could become a series, where you dive into different aspects of book production.

By understanding how books are made, you and your readers will gain a new level of appreciation for them.

8) Comparing book adaptations

Book adaptations are always a hot topic of discussion among book lovers. Compare a book to its film or television adaptation in a blog post.

You can explore various aspects like character portrayal, plot differences, or how well the adaptation captured the essence of the book. Remember to make it interactive by asking your readers for their opinions.

9) Unboxing book subscription boxes

Subscription boxes are a delight for any book lover. They not only come with a book but also other goodies that excite any bibliophile.

You can order a box and do an unboxing post. Share your first impressions, review the contents, and give your honest opinion. This can also help your readers decide if they want to subscribe to the service themselves.

10) Monthly reading challenges and readathons

Challenges and readathons can be fun ways to engage your readers. Discuss any upcoming challenges or readathons that you’re planning to participate in.

You can also set a challenge for yourself each month – it could be reading a certain number of books, only books by authors from a particular country, or books from a specific genre.

At the end of the month, reflect on your experience. How did you do? What did you learn? Which books stood out? This can encourage your readers to take part in their own reading challenges.

11) Book club discussions

If you’re part of a book club, share the discussions that take place. If not, consider starting a virtual one with your readers.

You can choose a book each month and propose discussion points. At the end of the month, share your thoughts and encourage your readers to do the same in the comment section. It’s a great way to build a community around your blog.

12) Spotlight on indie authors

While big-name authors get a lot of attention, indie authors often go unnoticed. Make a point to spotlight indie authors on your blog.

You can review their books, interview them, or even just make a post highlighting some indie books that caught your eye. Your support can make a big difference to these authors, and your readers may discover a new favorite book they might not have found otherwise.

13) Personal reading journey

Everyone’s reading journey is unique and sharing yours can be quite interesting to your readers.

You can write about how you became a reader, how your reading tastes have evolved over time, and some pivotal books along the way.

This can be a heartfelt and personal post that can help your readers connect with you on a deeper level.

14) In-depth book reviews

Yes, this may seem like a no-brainer. But, don’t just tell your readers what a book is about. Delve deeper.

Explore themes, discuss character development, share your favorite quotes, and analyze the writing style.

Be thorough, but remember to warn about spoilers.

This kind of comprehensive review can provide a lot of value for your readers.

15) Bookshelf tour

Every bibliophile loves a good bookshelf tour. It’s like a sneak peek into your world.

Snap some photos or make a video tour of your bookshelf. You can share how you organize your books, special editions you own, or books with sentimental value. It’s a fun, personal post that can really engage your readers.

16) Literary travelogues

If you’re a globetrotter, consider incorporating travel into your blog.

Write about literary landmarks you’ve visited, cities that are prominent in your favorite books, or even local bookstores you’ve fallen in love with. Pictures can really make these posts come alive, so remember to take plenty when you’re on the move.

17) Reflecting on classics

Classics hold a special place in literature. Even though they may have been written decades or even centuries ago, they still resonate with readers today.

Choose a classic, read it (or reread it), and share your reflections. How do you interpret it? How is it relevant today? This can spur interesting discussions with your readers.

18) Poetry Corner

If you enjoy poetry, why not dedicate a corner of your blog to it?

You can share and analyze your favorite poems, write about contemporary poets, or even share your own poetry. It can be a refreshing change from your regular posts and attract a different set of readers.

19) Exploring different formats

Books don’t always have to be printed. Explore different formats like audiobooks, e-books, or interactive books.

You can review a particular format, discuss its pros and cons, or compare it with others. This can provide valuable insight for your readers and help them choose which format suits them best.

20) Writing about writing

If you’re an aspiring author, why not document your writing journey?

You can share about your challenges, milestones, inspirations, or even snippets of your work. This can make for an interesting read for your followers, especially those who are also looking to write their own book someday.

21) Roundup of upcoming releases

There’s always a buzz of excitement around new book releases. Make a habit of doing a monthly or quarterly roundup of upcoming releases that you and your readers might be interested in.

Highlight the anticipated books in various genres. Share the synopsis, the release date, and why you’re excited about them. This can keep your readers informed and create anticipation for future reviews or discussions on your blog.

22) Highlighting diverse books

Diversity in literature is increasingly gaining attention. Books from diverse authors can provide new perspectives and experiences.

Make a list of diverse books that you’ve read and enjoyed. You can also include books you’re looking forward to reading. This can promote diverse voices and provide your readers with recommendations outside their usual picks.

23) Discussing book trends

Like everything else, the literary world also sees its share of trends. This could be in themes, genres, or even book cover designs.

Create a post discussing these trends. Where did they start? What do they mean? Are there any upcoming trends your readers should look out for?

24) Posts about specific characters

Characters are the heart of any book. Write posts about specific characters who have left an impact on you.

You could delve into their personality, development throughout the book, or even their relationships with other characters. This can lead to interesting character studies and discussions with your readers.

25) Reflecting on banned books

Banned books are often surrounded by controversy, hence sparking online debates. Reflecting on these books can make for a thought-provoking blog post.

Choose a banned book, read it, and share your thoughts. Why was it banned? Do you agree with the ban? What does the book have to say? This can spur deep conversations with your readers about censorship and freedom of expression.

26) Running book giveaways

Who doesn’t love free books? Consider running a book giveaway on your blog.

You can ask your readers to comment, share your post, or even write their own reviews to enter. Not only can this bring more engagement and traffic to your blog, but it also fosters a sense of community among your readers.

27) Annual reading wrap-ups

An annual reading wrap-up is a great way to reflect on your reading journey over the past year.

List all the books you’ve read, pick your favorites, and discuss the ones that surprised you, and maybe even the ones that disappointed you. You can also set your reading goals for the upcoming year. This can be an engaging post that also allows your readers to share their reading experiences.

28) Sharing bookish quotes

Quotes have a way of encapsulating the essence of a book. Sharing your favorite bookish quotes can spark curiosity about the books they are from.

You can choose quotes based on a theme, from a specific author, or just ones that resonated with you. It’s a quick and simple post idea that your readers can easily engage with.

29) DIY bookish crafts

If you love getting crafty, share some book-related crafts or DIY projects. This could be anything from DIY bookmarks to book-themed decorations.

Include a step-by-step guide, along with photos of your process and the final product. These posts can provide a fun change of pace for your readers.

Share your bookish craft projects like bookmarks, bookshelves, or book cover art.

30) Opinion pieces

Books often explore themes and issues that resonate with real-world scenarios. Writing opinion pieces on these themes can spark intellectual conversations.

Pick a book or a theme, express your views, and invite your readers to share theirs. Make sure to be respectful and open to diverse opinions.

31) Bookish gift guide

A bookish gift guide can be a valuable resource for your readers, especially around the holiday season.

Include different categories like gifts for fantasy lovers, poetry enthusiasts, or young adult readers. You can recommend books, but also other bookish merchandise. (signed copies, special editions, bookish merchandise, book subscription boxes, etc).

32) Exploring different genres

Genres are the backbone of literature. Why not dedicate posts to exploring different genres?

Discuss their defining characteristics, their history, and notable books and authors within the genre. You can also talk about why you love that particular genre, or even why you don’t.

33) Spotlighting local bookstores

Show some love to your local bookstores. Write a feature on them and what makes them special.

Include photos, talk about their selection of books, the ambiance, and any unique aspects. Highlight why supporting local bookstores is important.

This type of post can be a lovely blend of community and bookish content.

34) Books that changed your perspective

Books have the power to change our views and perspectives. Reflect on the books that have significantly impacted you.

Share what these books are and how they influenced your thinking. This can be a deeply personal and engaging post that allows you to connect with your readers on a deeper level.

35) Favorite authors and why you love them

Showcase your favorite authors. Talk about their books, their writing style, and why they resonate with you.

You can also discuss their influences, common themes in their works, or how their books have evolved over time. Posts like these can introduce your readers to new authors.

36) Books you wish were adapted

Adaptations can be a touchy topic among book lovers. But, there are always those books we secretly (or not so secretly) wish were adapted into movies, series, or TV programs.

Make a list of these books and explain why you think they’d make a great adaptation. Remember to invite your readers to share their thoughts too.

37) Hosting a Q&A session

Hosting a Q&A session can be a fun way to interact with your readers.

Let your readers ask you questions about your reading preferences, your blogging journey, or even book recommendations. Answer these questions in a blog post.

This kind of interaction can make your readers feel valued and connected.

38) Discussion on bookish controversies

Every now and then, the literary world faces certain controversies. It could be about a certain book, author, or even a trend.

Write a post discussing such controversies. Share your opinion, but also provide a balanced view. Encourage your readers to share their thoughts.

39) Personal bookish confessions

Endear yourself to your readers with some light-hearted content. Share your bookish confessions.

Maybe you judge books by their covers, or maybe you’ve never read a wildly popular series. Your readers will enjoy getting to know you better through these fun facts.

40) Reading resolutions

Reading resolutions can be a great way to plan your reading journey for the upcoming year. Share your reading resolutions and invite your readers to share theirs.

This could include the number of books you aim to read, specific books or authors you want to explore, or reading habits you want to develop. Such a post can inspire your readers to set their own reading goals.

41) Creating bookish playlists

Music and books often go hand in hand. Creating bookish playlists can be a fun and engaging way to connect books and music.

You can create a playlist that reflects the theme, setting, or characters of a book. Share why you chose each song and how it connects to the book. This could be a unique content addition to your blog that readers look forward to.

42) Collaborating with other book bloggers

Collaborating with other book bloggers can bring a sense of community to your blog.

You can do guest posts, interviews, or even joint book discussions. It’s a great way to diversify your content and introduce your readers to other bloggers in the community.

You can also invite your readers to suggest future collaborations or topics they’d like to see covered by guest bloggers.

43) Analyzing book covers

A book’s cover can be a work of art in itself. Analyzing book covers can make for visually appealing and interesting posts.

Talk about the colors, typography, imagery, and overall design. Discuss what works and what doesn’t. This can be a fun and unique type of post that your readers enjoy.

44) Throwback to your childhood reads

Take a trip down memory lane and talk about your favorite childhood reads.

Reflect on why you loved them, what you learned from them, and whether you’d still enjoy them today. This can be a lovely nostalgic post that connects with readers of all ages.

45) Discussing the future of books

The literary world is always evolving. Discussing the future of books can be a thought-provoking topic.

Talk about the rise of e-books and audiobooks, the future of bookstores, or how reading habits might change. This kind of post can invite interesting discussions with your readers.

46) Book-to-movie adaptations: Hits and misses

Adapting a beloved book into a movie is no easy task. Some capture the heart of the book brilliantly, while others—well, they miss the mark.

Review a few adaptations that you believe were either a hit or a miss. Discuss what worked and what didn’t, comparing the book and the movie. These posts can spark lively discussions among your readers.

47) Book club recommendations

Choosing the right book can make or break a book club meeting. Share your recommendations for engaging books that spark lively discussions.

Consider a variety of genres and topics, and remember to explain why each book would make a good book club pick. These posts can be a useful resource for your readers.

book blog post ideas for bloggers

48) Bookish travel guide

If you’re a traveler and a reader, share your experiences visiting literary locations. This could be the setting of a novel, the hometown of an author, or even famous libraries and bookstores.

Include pictures, your impressions, and any book-related anecdotes. These posts can give your readers travel inspiration and add a unique angle to your blog.

49) Unforgettable book quotes that inspire

Quotes can capture the essence of a book and often stay with us long after we’ve finished reading. Share quotes that have inspired you.

You can include a quote, its source, and why it resonates with you. This can be a recurring feature on your blog and a great way for your readers to discover new books.

50) Underrated books worth discovering

There are so many books out there that don’t get the recognition they deserve. Shine a light on these hidden gems.

Make a list of underrated books that you’ve enjoyed, providing a short synopsis and why you think they’re worth reading. Your readers will appreciate these fresh recommendations.

51) How to build a diverse reading list

In an increasingly global world, it’s important to read widely and diversely. Share your tips on how to build a diverse reading list.

You can discuss how to find books from different countries, cultures, and voices. Include recommendations to help your readers get started. This can be a valuable resource that helps your readers broaden their literary horizons.

52) Book recommendations based on movies or TV shows

If a reader enjoyed a particular movie or TV show, they might be interested in reading similar books. Create a list of book recommendations based on popular movies or TV shows.

Explain why you think fans of the movie or show would enjoy these books, drawing parallels in theme, character types, or narrative style.

53) Bookshelf organization tips

For book lovers, a bookshelf isn’t just a storage space—it’s a centerpiece. Share your tips on how to creatively organize a bookshelf.

You could talk about different organization methods, like color-coding, organizing by genre or author, or even creating a ‘TBR’ and ‘Read’ section. Remember, your bookshelf is a reflection of you, so make it personal.

54) Book hauls

Who doesn’t love showing off their newest books? Share your recent book haul with your readers.

Include a brief synopsis of each book, why you chose it, and what you’re excited about. This can also serve as a preview of upcoming reviews or discussions on your blog.

55) Book series recommendations

Some stories are so expansive and immersive, they require more than one book. Share your favorite book series and why you love them.

Talk about the overall plot, character development across the series, and why you think these series are worth investing time in. Your readers might discover their next epic read from your recommendations.

56) Book characters that inspire

Books often present characters that inspire us with their courage, intelligence, kindness, or resilience. Discuss some characters that have inspired you and why.

These posts can lead to interesting discussions about character development and the values we find important in our role models.

57) Book blogging etiquette

In the world of book blogging, there are certain best practices and courtesies that should be observed. Share your insights on this topic.

Discuss aspects like giving credit, handling book spoilers, respectful disagreement, and more. Your readers, especially those new to book blogging, will find this information useful.

58) Controversial topics in literature

Literature often addresses controversial topics, sparking important discussions. Create a space on your blog to have these conversations.

Choose a book or a theme and share your perspective, while inviting your readers to share theirs. Remember to moderate these discussions carefully to maintain a respectful dialogue.

59) Reading habits

Your reading habits can reveal a lot about you. Share yours with your readers and ask them about theirs.

Do you read multiple books at once or stick to one? Do you prefer physical books or e-books? These personal posts can help build a connection with your readers.

60) Book blogging tips

Book blog post ideas book blogging

As a book blogger, you have insights and experiences that can help aspiring bloggers. Share your tips on how to start and build a successful book blog.

Talk about finding your niche, writing engaging content, promoting your blog, and more. This type of post can help build a sense of community among book bloggers.

61) Book cover design appreciation

Book covers are an art form in their own right. Discuss some book covers that have caught your eye and why you appreciate them.

You could look at aspects like color, typography, imagery, and the overall feel of the cover. Your readers might find this deep dive into book cover design intriguing.

62) Literary adaptations: From page to stage

Discuss the fascinating journey of a book being adapted into a stage play or a musical.

Compare and contrast the book with its stage version, discussing what worked, what didn’t, and why. This could lead to thought-provoking discussions about the adaptation process and the different ways stories can be told.

63) Bookworm’s survival kit

What are your must-haves for a perfect reading session? Share your bookworm’s survival kit.

Include your favorite reading spots, any snacks or drinks you love, and other necessities like bookmarks or reading lights. This could be a fun post that lets your readers know you a little better.

64) Bookish social media accounts to follow

From bookstagrammers to literary Twitter accounts, there’s a vibrant book community on social media. Share your favorite bookish social media accounts.

Include a brief description of each, highlighting why you enjoy their content. Your readers might discover new accounts to follow or get inspiration for their own social media content.

65) Classic books

Timeless reads that still resonate

Classic literature stands the test of time and continues to resonate with readers. Discuss your favorite classics and why they remain relevant.

You can talk about their themes, writing style, and the impact they’ve had on you. This type of post can encourage your readers to pick up a classic they might have been hesitant to try.

66) Book photography tips

If you love photographing your books, share your tips and tricks.

Discuss elements like lighting, composition, props, and editing. Including before and after shots can help your readers understand your process. This could be a useful post for readers looking to enhance their book photography skills.

67) Book-related podcasts

Podcasts can be a fantastic way to enrich your literary world. Share your favorite book-related podcasts with your readers.

Discuss the themes they cover, their format, and why you enjoy them. Whether they’re about book reviews, author interviews, or literary analysis, your readers might discover their next favorite listen.

68) Bookish traditions from around the world

Explore literary traditions from different cultures. This could be unique reading or storytelling practices, book-related festivals, or even how different cultures approach book publishing and reading.

This type of post can help broaden your readers’ understanding of how diverse and universal the love for books is.

69) The Life of a book reviewer

Give your readers a peek into your life as a book blogger and reviewer.

Discuss how you choose books, your review process, how you balance reading with other responsibilities, and any other behind-the-scenes details. Your readers might find this inside look fascinating.

70) Seasonal book recommendations

Books can often feel like they belong to a certain season. Share your seasonal book recommendations.

Whether it’s a cozy winter read, a thrilling summer beach book, or a spooky Halloween novel, your readers will appreciate the timely recommendations.

71) Book recommendations based on mood or emotion

Books can evoke a wide range of emotions, and sometimes your mood dictates what you want to read. Create a list of book recommendations based on different moods or emotions.

For instance, what are some uplifting books for when you’re feeling down? Or gripping thrillers for when you’re in the mood for a thrill ride? Your readers will appreciate having a go-to list for their varied reading moods.

Conclusion: Keep the pages turning

Congratulations! You now have a treasure trove of 71 book blog post ideas at your fingertips. We hope this extensive list has sparked your imagination and inspired you to create captivating content that will engage your readers and keep them coming back for more.

Remember, as a book blogger, you have the power to share your passion for literature and ignite that same passion in others. Whether you’re recommending must-read books, discussing literary adaptations, or delving into the world of bookish traditions, your unique perspective and insights will captivate your audience.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of posts, such as book reviews, author spotlights, or bookish DIY projects. Keep your writing style conversational and informative, using short sentences and easy-to-read paragraphs that flow effortlessly. And always remember to write in the second person to directly address your readers, making them feel connected and involved in the conversation.

Stay open to collaborations, both with fellow book bloggers and your readers. Engage in discussions, encourage comments, and foster a sense of community. Your blog can become a space where book lovers from around the world gather to share their love for literature.

Now, armed with these book blog post ideas, go forth and embark on your next blogging adventure. Explore new genres, discover hidden literary gems, and uncover the stories that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Happy blogging, and may your bookish journey be filled with endless inspiration!

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