How do you become a good freelancer?
To become the best freelance writer, you need to hours and hours of working on your craft. Becoming the best freelance writer is not such an easy task, as it calls for a lot of hard work.
The good thing though is the efforts are worthwhile.
There are several ways in which one can become the best freelance writer, but what you really need is your dedication and passion to make things work out.
Here are five ways to hone your skills and run a successful freelancing business that you’ll be proud of.
Write often.
Try to write multiple times a day if possible. Writing is a skill and like any other skill, you have to practice it to get better. The more you write the better you become. Write for yourself, write for a blog, write for other publications. Write just to write, it gets easier after a while of practice.
Read often.
You can’t write if you don’t read. If you don’t read great writing, you won’t know how to do it. Everyone starts by learning and emulating other writers, and then through them, you find your own voice. Read a lot.
Pay close attention to style and mechanics in addition to content. This will help you with grammar, sentence construction and vocabulary. This is one of the crucial steps to become the best freelance writer.
Note down ideas.
Keep a little notebook handy and write down ideas for stories or articles or novels or characters that could cross your mind. At meeting, you can take down notes on what you are learning as well.
Evernote app can be very helpful if you prefer your smart phone. Write down tit-bits of conversation that you hear, plot twists and visual details and fragments of song lyrics or poems that move you. Having these ideas written down helps, because they can inspire you or actually go directly into your writing.
Be conversational.
It’s so much better to write like you talk because people relate to it better. It’s  something to strive for and It’s going to take sometime to be good at it, especially if you want to be running your own premium blog soon. While doing this, you will break the rules of grammar in order to sound conversational (freedom writing). But don’t break the rules of grammar without good reason — know that you’re doing it, and why.
Start and end strong in all your articles.
The most important parts of your writing are the beginning and end. Spend some extra time crafting a good beginning. If you don’t hook your reader in the beginning, they won’t read the rest of your writing. Get them interested and wanting to know more. Write a good ending that will leave them wanting more of your writing.
Start Inculcating the art of Self Discipline.
With no boss to check your availability and effectiveness at work, it can be very tempting to lag behind. Developing the art of self-discipline will help you turn up to work under your preferred schedules and to meet deadlines for your clients’ works.