7 Different Types of Blogs that Make Money in 2024

Different Types of Blogs

This is a list of some of the most popular types of blogs that can be quite profitable to run. 

These aren’t blog niches per se, as they are too broad, but can be starting points as you search for the right sub-niche to focus on. If you dig deeper, you can find more specific blog topics that you can address within the given industries below. 

Different Types of Blogs That Make Money

1) Love and Relationships Blogs

This might be the most popular topic of all, and it is likely that it will never fade from the public’s interest. That’s understandable. Absolutely everyone can relate to relationships, whether with family or friends because almost everyone encounters relationships on a daily basis. In particular, the subjects of love and marital relations usually do well.

2) Entertainment Blogs

This area of expertise does not really require true expertise. Just about anyone can write about movies, TV, and comics. All it really requires is that you have a fairly good handle on things happening in Hollywood and other entertainment arenas elsewhere and have the skills to write interesting, readable articles about film and the artists behind the craft.

3) Parenting Blogs

Some parents seriously do not know how to raise their children. They are unsure what is best for a young boy or girl. So parenting blogs can be a treasure trove of genuine lessons and valuable advice. If you’re a stay-at-home parent watching the kids most of the time, that qualifies you as an expert. You are already a pro parenting blogger, and you didn’t even know it!

4) Tutorials

Mass communications and the media have skyrocketed in the past two decades. The Internet has expanded significantly as has the number of people able to work from the comfort of home. Video making, photography, and writing have become more profitable elements of the media market, and as a result, there are constantly many new forms of video, audio, photo, and word editing software being created and sold each year.

With this a slight issue has arisen: many of the potential users do not have the time or know-how to easily navigate the editing systems. The same goes for website programs and hands-on technology like computers, cameras, and such. There are certain functions that users may have difficulty figuring out.

People are always interested in informative tutorials that explain how to use something in layman’s terms. Many sites are eager to publish articles or video DIY tutorials for topics such as the WordPress platform and the Adobe Premiere video editing program. If you feel you are experienced in something like that you might consider being a tutorial blogger or vlogger.

5) Health and Fitness Blogs

Again, with a topic like health as the basis for your blog you can’t go wrong (so long as your information is correct). Health falls under an even broader field of common interest: wellness. Physical, spiritual, and mental well-being are all trending matters right now. Bodily health subtopics include working out and eating in a more healthful manner. This popularity has come about partly due to the rise in the obesity rate.

6) Fashion Blogs

For young people and women, in particular, the latest fashion styles in clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfume, and make-up are always eye-catching. Similar to health, fashion revolves around a person’s appearance. If you are a fashion enthusiast or even a designer, blogging about fashion could become quite profitable.

7) Travel Blogs

Travel is definitely one of the more exciting niches to write on because the writing does not involve as much research as other forms of blogging might. This is a niche for the adventurous, the daring, the type that strides out of the home and country in confidence. If you enjoy exploring, backpacking, bicycling, or horseback riding this could very well become a passion.

And if you took up writing in the time that you were not busy traveling you could make a living out of it. Quality travel writing and photography are in high demand at the moment. Descriptive sensory writing and high-resolution photography go hand in hand in creating the perfect travel article.

Wrapping Up

There are, of course, many other types of blogs, but the above are some of the most popular. 

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Last update on 2024-09-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Picture of John Tuttle
John Tuttle
John Tuttle pursues photography, video-making, and writing in numerous fiction and nonfiction genres.
Picture of John Tuttle
John Tuttle
John Tuttle pursues photography, video-making, and writing in numerous fiction and nonfiction genres.

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