What is a Reverse Blog? Everything You Need to Know

What is a reverse blog guide
What is a reverse blog? Dive into the world of user-generated content, audience engagement, and community building in our detailed guide to reverse blogging

In the online space, blogs have long served as platforms for individuals and companies to share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise. 

However, a new trend, the reverse blog, is rewriting the rules and setting a new standard for audience engagement. 

But what exactly is a reverse blog?

What is a reverse blog?

A reverse blog is a blog-style platform where the main content is created by the audience rather than a single author or team of authors. 

Traditionally, a blog is a space where the author(s) express their views, knowledge, and experiences on various subjects. 

In contrast, a reverse blog turns this concept on its head. Here, readers become contributors, providing the bulk of the content, while the blog owner or moderator curates, edits, and organizes these contributions into a coherent and engaging format.

The main feature of a reverse blog is user-generated content

However, user contributions are typically guided by a set of themes, questions, or prompts provided by the blog owner. 

The content can be in the form of articles, comments, opinions, or even multimedia like photos, videos, and podcasts. 

As a reverse blog owner, your role is to maintain the blog’s direction, ensure the quality of contributions, and facilitate meaningful discussion.

History and evolution of reverse blogging

The concept of reverse blogging is not entirely new. It finds its roots in the age-old practice of public forums and town hall meetings where everyone has a voice. 

Digitally, the closest analogy would be a comment section, forum, or a Reddit thread where users generate the majority of the content. 

Over time, recognizing the value of user-generated content and the desire of audiences to actively participate rather than passively consume information, the concept of reverse blogging emerged.

Why you should consider building a reverse blog

Reverse blogs present a unique opportunity for anyone looking to create a vibrant and engaged online community. They foster interaction, collaboration, and learning, making your platform more dynamic and exciting. 

  1. Engaged community: Reverse blogs create vibrant and engaged online communities. They foster interaction, collaboration, and learning.
  2. Content relief: As a blog owner, you’re relieved from the pressure of constantly generating new content.
  3. Audience insights: From a business perspective, reverse blogs allow you to tap into your audience’s insights, ideas, and experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of their needs and interests.
  4. Quality content: From a business perspective, a reverse blog allows you to tap into your audience’s insights, ideas, and experiences, thus your blog becomes a trusted resource in the eyes of Google when it comes to EEAT.

Key features of a reverse blog

  • User-generated content: The core feature of a reverse blog is user-generated content. Instead of one or few authors creating the majority of the content, your audience does. 
  • Community engagement: Reverse blogs thrive on community engagement. They are designed to foster discussion, interaction, and participation. They provide a platform where readers can voice their thoughts, share experiences, and learn from one another.
  • Moderation: While the content is user-generated, it doesn’t mean anything goes. As the owner of the reverse blog, you, or your appointed moderators, play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and relevance of the content. This involves curating, editing, and occasionally removing user contributions.
  • Topic or theme-based: Just like traditional blogs, reverse blogs are often centered around a specific topic or theme. This provides a focus for user contributions and helps to create a cohesive online community.
  • Guided themes or prompts: User contributions are typically guided by themes, questions, or prompts provided by the blog owner.
  • Flexible format: A unique feature of reverse blogs is their flexible format. While some may closely resemble traditional blogs with user-submitted articles, others may look more like a forum or message board. The format will depend on your blog’s purpose and the preferences of your community.
  • Interactive elements: Many reverse blogs incorporate interactive elements to encourage user participation. These could include prompts, questions, challenges, contests, or surveys.
  • Hierarchy of users: Depending on the platform and the rules set by the blog owner, there may be a hierarchy of users. For instance, frequent contributors may earn ‘top contributor’ status, or there may be a voting system that allows users to rank contributions.

Difference between a reverse blog and a forum

A reverse blog and a forum are both online platforms where users can share their thoughts and ideas. 

However, there are some key differences between the two: 

  • Forums are more open and unstructured than reverse blogs. In a forum, anyone can post a message, and there is no need to go through a screening process. This means that there is a greater variety of content on forums, but it also means that there is more spam and low-quality content.
  • Reverse blogs are more focused on quality than forums. Because the content on reverse blogs is screened, it tends to be higher quality than the content on forums. This makes reverse blogs a good place to find information on specific topics.
  • Forums are better for discussions than reverse blogs. The ability to reply to each other’s messages makes forums a good place to have discussions about specific topics. Reverse blogs are better for sharing ideas and thoughts, but they are not as good for having discussions.
  • Reverse blogs are typically more visual, with images and videos often being used to illustrate the points being made. Forums are usually more text-based, with users typing out their messages.

How to start a reverse blog

Starting a reverse blog involves a few key steps:

  • Define your niche: Your blog should have a clear theme or subject matter that is of interest to your target audience.
  • Set up your platform: Choose a blog platform that supports user-generated content. You can use popular content management systems like WordPress, or go for community-focused platforms like Discourse. You will also need a good shared hosting provider like Bluehost to make your website accessible online
  • Create guidelines: Clearly define what types of contributions are accepted, the rules of interaction, and how the content will be moderated.
  • Promote participation: Encourage your readers to contribute. You can do this by asking open-ended questions, creating interesting prompts, or hosting competitions.
  • Moderate and curate content: As a reverse blog owner, your job is to ensure the quality of the content. Moderate the entries and organize them in a way that is easy for your readers to navigate.

Examples of reverse blogs

While there may not be numerous well-known platforms that advertise themselves explicitly as “reverse blogs,” there are many platforms and blogs that operate on a similar concept.

Here are a few examples that harness the power of user-generated content in ways akin to reverse blogging:

  • The Mighty: The Mighty is a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities. Anyone can contribute their personal stories and insights, making it a great example of a niche reverse blog.
  • BuzzFeed community: BuzzFeed has a community section where anyone can create their own posts, quizzes, and lists, which the BuzzFeed editors then promote on the main site if they’re popular or particularly good.
  • Quora Spaces: Quora Spaces operates similar to reverse blogs where the Space owner can add contributors who provide content, and the owner (or moderators) curate and manage the content.
  • Huffington Post’s contributor platform: Before it was discontinued in 2018, The Huffington Post’s contributor platform allowed writers around the world to post articles on the site, leading to a vast array of perspectives.
  • Wikipedia: While not a blog, Wikipedia is one of the most prominent examples of a successful platform based on user-generated content. Anyone can edit its pages, leading to comprehensive and (usually) well-balanced information.
  • Stack Overflow: This platform, which is more geared toward programmers and developers, is a great example of how user-generated content can create a rich and valuable resource. Users post questions and answer queries on a range of topics in programming.

What platforms support reverse blogging?

Reverse blogging requires platforms that support user-generated content and promote community engagement. 

Here are a few platforms that are suited for reverse blogging:

a) WordPress: WordPress is a popular choice due to its versatility and the availability of numerous plugins. 

Plugins such as User Submitted Posts and Frontend Post WordPress Plugin can enable user-generated content. 

You can even set up a multi-author blog where selected users are given the ability to post directly.

b) Medium: Medium allows you to create publications to which multiple users can contribute. You can act as an editor, curating and arranging these contributions. 

The platform also promotes user engagement through comments, highlights, and claps.

You can monetize your publication via affiliate marketing or Medium Partner Program.

c) BuddyPress: This is a WordPress plugin that lets you create a social network, complete with user profiles, activity streams, user groups, and more. 

It can be a good choice for a community-focused reverse blog.

d) Discourse: Discourse is an open-source platform designed for building community discussion forums. It is designed to encourage engagement and quality contributions.

e) Drupal: Drupal is a powerful and flexible content management system that can be configured to support user-generated content. Modules like the User Blog module can be used to create a reverse blog.

f) Triberr: This is a social platform that connects bloggers and influencers. You can create your own “tribe” and invite others to contribute to your blog.

Tips for successful reverse blogging

To make your reverse blog a success:

  • Regularly interact with your contributors. Engage in the discussions and show appreciation for their contributions.
  • Maintain a consistent posting schedule. This keeps your blog lively and encourages regular visits.
  • Don’t shy away from controversial topics. They often inspire more participation.
  • Always keep your audience in mind. The content should be relevant and valuable to them.

Monetizing a reverse blog

As with any type of blog or online platform, there are several ways to monetize a reverse blog. 

However, given that a reverse blog relies on user-generated content, it’s important to implement monetization strategies that don’t disrupt user experience or discourage contributions. 

Here are a few strategies:

a) Display advertising: This is a common way to monetize any blog. You can display ads on your blog and earn revenue either through a pay-per-click or a pay-per-impression model. 

Google AdSense is a popular choice for this type of advertising. Native advertising, which matches the look and feel of your blog, can also be a less intrusive option. 

Other options include Monumetric, Mediavine, and AdThrive

b) Sponsored posts: In this model, companies pay you to post content about their product or service on your blog. 

You can offer this option to your users, letting them pay for their content to be featured or highlighted on your blog. 

Make sure the sponsored content is clearly marked as such and remains relevant and useful to your audience.

c) Affiliate marketing: This involves promoting a product or service offered by another company on your blog. For every sale that comes through your referral, you earn a commission. 

If your users regularly discuss certain products or services, affiliate marketing could be a profitable route.

d) Premium membership or content: Depending on the nature of your blog, you might be able to offer premium content or membership. 

This could grant users access to exclusive content, ad-free browsing, or additional features. 

This not only generates revenue but also helps build a loyal user base.

e) Donations or crowdfunding: If your blog provides value to your users, they might be willing to contribute to its upkeep. 

You can accept donations directly, or use a platform like Patreon where users can contribute on a regular basis and receive rewards.

f) Online store or merchandise: If your blog has a strong brand or a loyal following, you might consider selling branded merchandise. This could be anything from t-shirts and mugs to eBooks or other digital products.

For this, you will need a print-on-demand service like RedBubble or Printify.

Role of AI in reverse blogging

As the reverse blogging depends largely on user-generated content, you caan utilize various AI tools to enhance the moderation process, improve the user experience, and provide useful insights into user behavior. 

Here are a few areas where AI can contribute:

Content moderation: AI can assist in filtering out spam, offensive language, and inappropriate content. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to review and classify content, making the moderation process more efficient.

For WordPress, you can use plugins like “Akismet” or “Titan Anti-spam & Security” to automatically filter out spam comments.

User profiling and personalization: AI can analyze user behavior, such as the type of content they contribute, their engagement patterns, and their interactions with other users. 

You can use these insights to customize the user’s experience, such as suggesting topics they might be interested in or users they may want to connect with.

A tool like WordLift can come in handy.

Trend analysis: AI algorithms can analyze the large amounts of data generated by a reverse blog to identify trends and popular topics. 

This can help guide the direction of the blog and inform decisions about prompts, themes, or features.

Automated responses: AI chatbots or automated response systems can be used to interact with users, answer common questions, or guide them through the process of contributing to the blog.

Spam detection: AI can be incredibly effective at detecting and removing spam content, keeping the user-generated contributions relevant and high-quality.

Content creation: AI can also assist in content creation for a reverse blog. It can offer suggestions, generate ideas, or even create content based on data inputs.

Examples of such AI content tools include:

  • WordAI: WordAI is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to understand text and is able to automatically rewrite your article with the same readability as a human writer.
  • Writesonic: Writesonic uses AI to write high-quality blog posts, ads, social media content, and more. You input some basic information, and the AI generates a variety of content for you to choose from.
  • Jasper AI: Jasper is an AI tool that helps create engaging content, from blog posts to social media updates and product descriptions.
  • INK: INK is a WordPress plugin that uses AI to help you optimize your content for SEO. While you write your post, INK provides real-time SEO recommendations.


Reverse blogging represents an innovative twist on the traditional blog model. By shifting the content creation role to your audience, you can create a highly interactive platform that fosters a strong sense of community. So, if you’re looking for a fresh and exciting way to engage your audience, a reverse blog might be the way to go.

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As an SEO freelance writer for hire, Mysson creates compelling content in online business, SaaS, and Digital Marketing niches for clients just like you. Hire Mysson for powerful business storytelling, crispy copy for service business or insightful articles that spark online conversations, attract links and boost conversions. Connect on LinkedIn @Mysson
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As an SEO freelance writer for hire, Mysson creates compelling content in online business, SaaS, and Digital Marketing niches for clients just like you. Hire Mysson for powerful business storytelling, crispy copy for service business or insightful articles that spark online conversations, attract links and boost conversions. Connect on LinkedIn @Mysson

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One Response

  1. One thing I’ve found effective in reverse blogging is starting with a thought-provoking question or a captivating anecdote at the beginning of my post. It immediately hooks the reader’s attention and encourages them to keep reading to find the answer or learn more.

    Additionally, repurposing content from different mediums into reverse blogs has been a total game-changer for me. It not only saves time but also allows me to reach a wider audience by catering to different preferences.

    Lastly, consistency is key. It’s important to maintain a regular schedule for publishing reverse blogs to keep the momentum going and keep your audience engaged.

    Thanks for sharing these insightful tips. I can’t wait to implement them and take my reverse blogging to the next level!

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